Painted Heroquest orcs, goblins, and mummies

My son has been playing Heroquest quite a bit over the last couple days, so I decided it was time to do paint some of those miniatures as one of his Christmas presents.

I was inspired by RushTheWash’s technique, though I did not use the exact same colors. That’s right, these were painted almost entirely by washes, with the exception of the metallics.

To say that I’m pleased by the results would be an understatement. The miniatures look so good I can’t let them be restricted to just the occasional game of HQ. They will augment the chaotic beastman army that I’ve been battling in Dragon Rampant, but more on that soon.

By Michael DiBaggio

Michael is an Orthodox Christian, husband to the winsome Shell Presto, and father of two children. A longtime miniature wargamer and RPG enthusaist, he is the author of several novels and short stories of heroic adventure set in his Ascension Epoch universe. He is the host of the Attention Span Labs channel on YouTube.

4 thoughts on “Heroquest Monsters”
    1. Sorry for being so long in replying! I tried as near as possible to use the ones he mentioned in the video, but when I didn’t have one (in particular, he used a green glaze that is no longer made) I substituted them with what I had. I think I subbed Biel-Tan Green for Wildwatcher Green. I also used very thinned down Army Painter Speed Paints for some of them, but I no longer remember which.

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