Photograph of a kitbashed 'deodorant tank', still unpainted.

Over on on our Guilded server, members have been talking about deodorant tanks. Are they a delightfully nostalgic throwback to a simpler time? A rite of passage in the life of a sci-fi wargamer? The gateway to a bold new future of kitbashing custom armies? Yes.

It strikes me as exactly the right subject for a no-pressure group project, and one that will nicely dovetail with our online campaign. Grab an empty stick of deodorant and your bits box and get to work.

The Contest

Build a miniature wargaming vehicle out of a stick of deodorant. Entries can be any scale, any genre (will we see any fantasy flyers? How about the much sought-after Napoleonic Battletub?). Go wild with it. Make it a storytelling diorama if you like, or give us a fictional backstory: its origin, its battle honors, the humorous history of its crew, whatever you want. Prizes will be awarded in three categories:

  1. Most Creative: The most innovative and unexpected use of parts, or the most inspired imaginative role for your fictional vehicle.
  2. Best Fluff: The vehicle was the best fictional backstory
  3. Best-in-Show: The vehicle with the best overall blend of aesthetics and execution.


Only member in good standing of the In Hoc Signo Society Guilded server will be permitted to enter. If you aren’t a member, apply now. There is no limit to the number of entries. Each entry must be posted in a separate thread in the ‘Deodorant Tank Competition’ forum. All entries must be received by December 8, 2023.

JUDGING & Prizes

If there are more than 10 entries, a panel of judges will limit the selection to 10 of the best submissions. Voting will then be entered into by the entire IHSS membership based on the aforementioned three categories. The top vote-getter within each category will be awarded a prize to be determined later, and hopefully delivered by December 25, 2023.

By Michael DiBaggio

Michael is an Orthodox Christian, husband to the winsome Shell Presto, and father of two children. A longtime miniature wargamer and RPG enthusaist, he is the author of several novels and short stories of heroic adventure set in his Ascension Epoch universe. He is the host of the Attention Span Labs channel on YouTube.

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